05 / 01 / 2013
Christmas and New Year's eve at Saint-Tropez From 19/11/2012 to 06/01/2013
• Telethon (national fund raising campaign for the sick),
• fun workshops for kids,
• “Sous le soleil de Pagnol” theater play,
• Switching on of Christmas lights,
• Opening of the ice rink,
• Mystères du XXIe siècle : « What prevents us from sleeping » conferences,
• Show by Briançon’s skating school,
• Exhibition at Annonciade museum,
• Hugo Cabret, film in 3D at Renaissance cinema,
• Father Christmas’s chalet,
• Opera at the cinema (retransmission) : George Bizet’s “Carmen”,
• Chocolate fair,
• Philippe Candeloro (ex champion) ice skating show,
• The little train,
• Climbing wall,
• Rampeu folk group, Pastorale at Renaissance cinema,
• Father Christmas arriving by sea,
• Christmas Eve animated by Rampeu folk group,
• Christmas antique fair, salle Jean Despas,
• Christmas concert by Barri Nou group,
• Organ concert at parish church,
• “Anchoiade” and fireworks...

Cinéma la Renaissance / salle Jean Despas / le port / place des Lices
place des lices
83990 - Saint-Tropez
Tel : 08 92 68 03 62
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